On Saturday November 5th, Guy Fawkes Day, Margaret and I dropped in to RYPEN at the Kauwhatau Outdoor Pursuits Centre. The Centre was established by the Rotary Club of Taihape and 50 students were privileged to be accepted for the 3 day course - privileged because this year the course was fully subscribed and 15 students were reluctantly advised to apply again next year. Unfortunately , my camera ran out of battery power but I have been promised photos taken by another photographer. Regard this posting , therefore, as the first of two.
This is a wonderful program of Rotary D 9940 which, I understand, was initiated by Past District Governor Don Spiers from the Rotary club of Wanganui North. The Rotary Club of Taihape has once again done an amazing job in organising and holding this event in conjunction with Waiouru Military Camp. Another example of Rotary partnering with the community.
Waiting patiently for the dinner gong. |
The male students
introduced their dates for the night to Margaret and I at the door. |
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